It seems to be working quite well. . .
The best search engine ever created by Man Kind
Published on August 1, 2007 By KinniStyle In Google
Lemme give you an example: Please take some of your time to visit this website in order to see my proof about Google and it's power. Here are the steps: 1. Go to the Site 2. Go to the Homepages of and 3. Click the Logo of Yahoo 4. Do the same with the Google Logo 5. There's my proof This is all proof about how Google is the most powerful Search Engine ever.
on Aug 02, 2007
so i open one tab here:
and another tab here:

I click the yahoo logo - nothing happens
I click the google logo - nothing happens

an example of nothing proves nothing
on Aug 02, 2007
Go to
on Aug 02, 2007
Google tab & Yahoo tab

It's called "yahoogle". It's one site.

on Aug 02, 2007
Go to

It just comes up with a index of page.

Articles are meant to be something that has value to the community, not to waste peoples time.

Unless you have left something out, when go to google and yahoo and click logos nothing at all happens.

If you are just trying to have some fun, the Articles section and WC forums are not a good place for this. People come here looking for info and help, not to see, as in another of your posts, that your laptop battery has 13 minutes power left(posted as an article.?????). How does that inform or help anybody.???